Blurb module. It makes the whole module looks three-dimensional with a shadow around it when you hover over it. Just set the css-class .start_image to the Blurb module and give it the same padding as you have on the css effect, in this case 10px. .start_image:hover {...
.et_fixed_nav #main-header,.et_fixed_nav #main-header { position:fixed; } .et_fixed_nav #main-header,.et_fixed_nav #top-header { position:fixed; } body.et_fixed_nav.et_secondary_nav_enabled #main-header { height:81px; top:0!important; }... 9 Useful Divi CSS Snippets You Can Add To ePanel In...
Alter the height of the logo: .et_fixed_nav #logo { max-height: 160px; } Adjust the shrinking size: .et-fixed-header #logo { max-height: 90px !important; padding:0 !important; } Change the speed of the shrink: #logo { transition: all 0.4s ease-in-out; } Alter the...
To change the background color in the Divi Theme, you can do so by adding CSS to Divi, like so: @media only screen and ( min-width:981px ) { #main-header { min-height: 150px !important; } /* normal */ { min-height: 250px !important; } /*...
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